Blossoms Collection: The Trillium
It’s time to introduce you to the second flower in the new Blossoms Collection. Just like last week’s wildflowers, who are some of the first flowers to bloom at the beginning of the spring season, the trillium is one of the first as well. (And, by the way, it’s also considered a wildflower.)
This flower is also known by a few other interesting names. Sometimes it is called a toadshade, because to some it resembles a toad-sized umbrella. And because it is one of the first spring flowers of the season, the red trillium is sometimes known as the Wakerobin because it blooms when the first robins make their appearance. Lastly, it is sometimes called a Birthroot because of it’s medicinal uses during childbirth.
The trillium flower symbolizes recovery, beauty and purity. It is the a perfect flower for someone who overcomes life's challenges with grace, strength and dignity. She is quiet. She is strong. She is steadfast. She is beautiful.
Another flower will be added next week to the Blossoms Collection, so be sure to check back here.
Now go breathe in that beautiful spring air!